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Gaetano Barreca

Creative, ambitious, and enterprising software engineer.

Tech Stack

  • Databases: MongoDB, Mongoose, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy
  • Backend: Python, Flask, Node.js, Express
  • Frontend: ES6 Javascript, React, Bulma, Spectre
  • IDEs: Visual Studio Code, Atom


  • API design and development of CRUD applications
  • Testing and test-driven development
  • Implementation of secure / authenticated websites
  • Pair programming and team collaboration with Git
  • Working with Agile & Scrum methodologies with Trello
  • Prototyping applications with ER Diagrams and wireframes

Adaptable, self-motivated, quick-learner, curious, autonomous, good communicator, team player

Languages: Italian (native), English (proficient)

Nationalities: Italian and British


Software Engineering Immersive course, General Assembly, London, May - August 2019

The course covers a vast array of content in three months, and it was a great way to get holistic knowledge to kick start my tech career.

Each day consists of a morning standup meeting with the class and instructional team to discuss progress and problems, then lessons and labs from 9-5 and daily homework (mini-projects), with 3 full project weeks and one 2-day hackathon.

Course activities:

  • Creating responsive web pages for modern browsers using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript
  • Building richly interactive, front-end single-page applications using React
  • Writing secure full-stack MVC (Model-View-Controller) applications
  • Deploying dynamic apps on Heroku and static websites to Netlify
  • Consuming web APIs from third-party sites such as Twilio, TFL, and Mapbox
  • Building RESTful APIs using MongoDB, Express and Flask with Python
  • Collaborating as a team using Git and GitHub



Previous Experience

April 2012 - May 2019: Teacher of Italian as a second language - freelance

I have been tutoring for several years and worked as a teacher of Italian as a second language for adults. The goal is for students to enjoy their lessons so that they become both excited by the subject and confident in their own ability to do well. I try to challenge them to think for themselves by encouraging active participation in each lesson. I provide full immersion in the Italian culture, art and traditions as well as language, often visiting relevant landmarks in London and abroad.


  • May - August 2019 General Assembly Software Engineering Intensive - completed 12 weeks course
  • February 2019 Step Function - Introduction to Python - completed 3 weeks part-time course
  • 2018 Rice University - Python Programming Essentials - via Coursera
  • 2001-2006 UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Perugia, Italy - B.A. in Ancient History & Archeology

Interests & Voluntary

  • Writing historical novels, several of which are published
  • Researching and blogging about Italian Traditions
  • 2011-2014: Visitor Host at The British Museum and Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art