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Family Story

GA Project 4: Family Story - 7 days, solo

Inspired by my interest in history and culture, I built Family Story, a web app for story lovers, which allows users to find short stories posted by other users and share their own post.

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Project Background

Family Story is a content creation site for authors and readers to share and discover new short stories about families and old traditions. The website allows authors and readers to connect and communicate through messages and comments.

I wanted it to be a relatively simple idea so I could focus on ensuring the web app was made well, that it was visually appealing and responsive, error handling messages were working accurately and my code was clean. I realised that to build a complete social platform was a challenging task in just 7 days. So I decided that my MVP was a platform which allowed a user to register, post their stories, like and comment on the stories of others.

The project started with an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) and I used and Google Slides to wireframe. The site has a Python/PostgreSQL backend and a React frontend. Based on the initial technical design, I built the data models and used Flask to provide the API framework. Before building the front end, I tested the API endpoints using Insomnia and TablePlus.

I am proud of the code that I wrote to meet these initial objectives, and going forward with this project I will be looking to include filters for showing different types of posts, and then use a translation API to automatically adapt the stories to the reader’s language of choice. The back end was built using Python, Flask and PostgreSQL

Technical Stack

React, Sass CSS, Spectre, ES6 JavaScript, Marshmallow, Flask, Python, JWT, Axios, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, Dotenv, bcrypt, Insomnia, Heroku

See the code on GitHub.